教育部:主辦單位 頒獎典禮:114/01/04(六)14:00 頒獎地點:國立臺灣藝術教育館南海劇場 為增進學生美術創作素養,培養國民美術鑑賞能力並落實學校美術教育,特舉辦全國學生美術比賽,本年度為第73屆。共分七大類別,包括:國小組-繪畫、書法、平面設計、漫畫、水墨畫、版畫;國中組、高中(職)組及大專組-西畫、書法、平面設計、漫畫、水墨畫、版畫。自國小至大專共計55組,並展出113學年度全國學生美術比賽特優得獎作品。 To improve students’ art and creativity literacy, cultivate the public’s taste in art appreciation, and implement art education on campus, a National Student Art Competition is held. This year marks its 73th anniversary. The competition is composed of seven categories: for elementary school students: paintings, Chinese calligraphy, graphic designs, comics, Chinese ink paintings, prints; for junior high school students, senior high school (vocational school) students, and college students: western paintings, Chinese calligraphy, graphic designs, comics, Chinese ink paintings, prints. From elementary school students to college students, there are 55 groups altogether. The exhibition showcases the award-winning works of the National Student Art Competition in the 113th academic year.