尋羊,意指羊毛纖維語境之探索旅程。以繪畫與軟雕塑兩部分,作為展覽形式。羊毫山石將羊毛捻線成皴法的空間相與地心花園中昆蟲植物天馬行空的變體造型,呈現羊毛纖維藝術一體成型、色彩魅力與氈化(felt)之特殊性。 "A Wild Sheep Chase" symbolizes a journey of exploration within the context of wool fibers. The exhibition is presented in two parts: painting and soft sculpture. The wool twists into brushstroke-like spaces of rocky mountains and imaginative transformations of insects and plants in Felt Garden, showcasing the unity, vibrant colors, and unique felting techniques of wool fiber art.