展出作品係112年由本會舉辦「全國矯正機關收容人書法比賽」得獎作品,作者均為全國矯正機關之收容人,作品內容為中華文化之千古詩詞與勵志名句等,冀望透過書法矯正教育能使收容人有新的人生願景,於重返社會後能成為正向有用之人。 The exhibited works are award-winning pieces from the 2023 "Nationwide Correctional Facility Inmates Calligraphy Competition" organized by the association. All authors are inmates from correctional facilities across the country. The content includes timeless Chinese cultural poetry and motivational quotes. The goal is to provide correctional education through calligraphy, fostering new life visions for inmates and helping them return to society as positive and contributing individuals.