
The Past Performances

Tangled in Love and Dreams The Kunqu Opera Excerpts Performance

Tangled in Love and Dreams The Kunqu Opera Excerpts Performance
Date/Time : 111-1-2
Venue : Nanhai Theater
Category : Traditional Opera
Organizer : Taipei Kungu operatgroupe
Way of Entrance :Open for Ticket in Advance

111/01/02 14:00
The performance is presented in the classic performance style of the Kunqu Opera, igniting passion within the audience with its programs as it demonstrates real life and the purity and simplicity of human nature, which are the essence with which Traditional Chinese Theater touches and inspires people. The focus of the performance is to present the dedication and commitment which the legendary Kunqu Opera performers in Shanghai, Mr. Zhou, Zhi-Gang, and Zhu, Xiao-Yu, invested in the opera theater.