

再看你一眼 2010程正德人像油畫展

再看你一眼 2010程正德人像油畫展
活動期間 :99-1-1~99-1-13
地點 : 南海藝廊
展覽單位 : 程正德

Do not have carefully looked at and painted a person for a long time! The portraitures in renaissance always shine a bright side of humanity, with so vivid and soulful. In my opinion, the major reason is that the painters at that time were interested in people; therefore, they painted with most direct observation, feelings and passion.
“Take a Look at You Again” series intend to, by means of painting girls, start from classic and touching objects, faithfully and profoundly presenting the relationship between themselves and their space-time, and human nature and spirituality, and reproduce profounder possibility of portraitures from concentrating pure and simple composition.
Focus:「A rose is a rose is a rose……」~ Gertrude Stein