

新境心境 鄒恆德水墨書法創作展

新境心境 鄒恆德水墨書法創作展
活動期間 :106-12-13~106-12-24
地點 : 第3展覽廳
展覽單位 : 鄒恆德

Getting into the temple of ink painting through the strokes of Chinese calligraphy, Mr. Zhou Heng-De reflects his “new realization; new mindset” gained in recent years with paintings of various themes and styles. Be it landscape paintings or flower and bird paintings, Chinese calligraphy is always found in every one of them.
Focus:In childhood, painting is about painting whatever one likes. In middle-age, painting is about pursuing and building dreams. “The magic to create” is so interesting. After middle age, painting is about reflecting oneself and cultivating one’s character and mind; it’s about getting stabilized.

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