

「集思廣藝 藝術超連結」—2019臺灣北岸藝術學會藝術行動暨會員創作聯展

「集思廣藝 藝術超連結」—2019臺灣北岸藝術學會藝術行動暨會員創作聯展
活動期間 :108-11-13~108-12-3
地點 : 第1、2展覽廳
展覽單位 : 臺灣北岸藝術學會

The objective of the North Shore Fine Arts Association is to promote artistic creation and the research and promotion of art, the humanities, and culture. The 2019 “Brain Storming Arts – Art, Super Linked” event is about letting its members demonstrate the fruits of their hard work. Spiritual content such as “creativity”, “dialogues” and “sharing” are present in everyone’s “art action.”
Focus:This is an art action project to share/display art works. The “Art, Super Linked” theme is a conscious social practice of people in art and culture communities.

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