

逍遙遊 周寶秀工筆花鳥畫展

逍遙遊 周寶秀工筆花鳥畫展 逍遙遊 周寶秀工筆花鳥畫展
活動期間 :108-12-4~108-12-15
地點 : 第3展覽廳
展覽單位 : 周寶秀

一念花開 一念花落 一花一世界
用心去傾聽感悟 簡單的元素也能成就傳奇
遨遊在百花爭妍中 海闊天空 自在自得
To Blossom or Wither, It’s Just a Thought Away! One Flower Contains One Universe.
Listen and feel with your heart; even simple elements can become legends.
Wandering around Hundreds of Blossoms; the sky is vast and the sea is wide; Be As Free As You Want
Focus: To accurately depict the subjects and bring them to life, fine brush paintings require meticulousness and close attention to detail . Whether it’s to outline and color the subjects or create boneless, light style paintings with traditional painting skills or even to create heavy color paintings with western painting skills, all are impressive!

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