


當代兒童與藝術家的碰撞—doodle兒童抽象實驗創作展 當代兒童與藝術家的碰撞—doodle兒童抽象實驗創作展
活動期間 :109-3-4~109-3-29
地點 : 第3展覽廳
展覽單位 : 兒童視覺藝術工作室

An artistic collision between artists and children of the International School of Beijing, bringing another possibility to interactive abstract art. Using symbols of Chinese calligraphy and paper cutting as elements to conduct experiments on drafts with collages and all drafts are put in small shoe boxes. It is interactive art that combines photos by artists and composite media to express time and space.
Focus:Liberating the distance with arts, that is the greatest experience of abstract and interactive art. Creating arts with collages, graffiti, Chinese calligraphy and random creation is the best mode to get into this exhibition.

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