BLUE – Save the Ocean Animals
聚焦賞析:Adam Handler利用油畫棒與壓克力顏色,展現出一系列海洋動物表現主義的作品;Jung YeoEun擅長使用拼貼方式,藉由懷舊卡通人物Minky Momo的豐富表情,將對海洋動物的同情與憐惜之情表露無遺;珠寶設計藝術家LEAH,則使用海洋動物設計出可日常佩戴的戒指/耳環,藉以透過佩戴來提醒大家海洋環境保護的重要性。
Human activities pose a great threat to marine habitat. Through their artwork, the BLUE Project of FNG-ART hopes to convey the importance of protecting marine life.
Focus:Artists use colors of oil pastel and acrylic as well as expressionism style to present a series of marine life. They employ a collage method and various facial expressions of cartoon figures to show sympathy for the marine life. Jewellery designers use the image of marine life to design rings and earrings, which reminds people of the importance of protecting marine habitat.