

60艷 瞬間定格

60艷 瞬間定格 60艷 瞬間定格
活動期間 :111-3-16~111-3-22
地點 : 美學空間
主辦單位 : 王艷屏

1996年寫下我的圓夢清單(Bucket list) ,其中一項就是開畫展,如今夢想成真,希望藉此畫展激勵大家。
60艷 瞬間定格,展出60幅作品,述說我學習油畫這六年來的內心彩色世界,希望也能讓你夢想成真,堅持到感動自己的那一刻。
I wrote my bucket list in 1996, and one of the things on the list was to hold my solo painting exhibition. Now, my dream has come true, and I hope to inspire more peoples’ dreams with this exhibition.
60 Seconds a Frame,The 60 exhibited paintings depict my colorful inner world of learning oil painting for the past six years. Hopefully, it inspires you to make your dream come true and keep moving forward, so you may also feel touched and find fulfillment.

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