

《同框》童框十年善牧飛炫屋-回顧孩子們走跳的家 台北台中 巡迴2022

《同框》童框十年善牧飛炫屋-回顧孩子們走跳的家 台北台中 巡迴2022 《同框》童框十年善牧飛炫屋-回顧孩子們走跳的家 台北台中 巡迴2022
活動期間 :111-5-11~111-5-22
地點 : 美學空間
主辦單位 : 財團法人台灣基督教門諾會附設花蓮縣私立善牧中心

Ten years of companionship and guidance with our children and adolescents,The Mennonite Good Shepherd’s Fei-Xuan House has done a lot together.Today through this space, we want to show you what their achievements are through the power of the time of the past decade.Our children and teenagers at the Fei-Xuan House have expressed their imagination and aesthetics under the guidance of their teachers in their everyday lifes,and these paintings are parts of the results of their hard work.
All you see here today is a tender and rich world created by their magic hands.These paintings will lead us to a wonderful circumstance of our Fei-Xuan House.Therefore, we sincerely invite you to visit this so-called “art exhibition”, to participate their lifes and laugh with us. You’re all cordially welcommed here to look back with us what their deligence was within the decade.

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