

《 浮水‧印 》袁梅芳、李文杰版畫雙個展

《 浮水‧印 》袁梅芳、李文杰版畫雙個展
活動期間 :112-5-10~112-5-27
地點 : 第3展覽廳
主辦單位 : 袁梅芳、李文杰

《WaterMark》: A Duo Exhibition of Yuan Mei-Fang and Lee Wen-Jye. The works of art include plasterboard, acrylic, woodcut, rubber, as well as mokume and gelatin plates. The contents convey the inner monologue of life experience, emotional memories, thoughts, and feelings of daily life. They engraved their extraordinary, romantic feelings from the ordinary to communicate with visitors through their artwork.
