


行履.印記─尤雪娥油畫創作展 行履.印記─尤雪娥油畫創作展
活動期間 :98-4-25~98-5-7
地點 : 南海藝廊
展覽單位 : 尤雪娥

To exile spirit and seek for liberty of self -- Art is considered as the harbour of berth and departure for You, Shiue-E as she shuttles between water and skies, listening to the heavenly voices; most of all, the grand nature is the domain of life therapy and contemplation for You, Shiue-E. Born and grew up in Tainan, You has been well cultivated by humble primitive air as well as the humanity of classic old town. In 1966, she went north-bound to Keelung, and fully soaked herself into the mountains and waters of northern Taiwan. Under diversified and abundant artistic cultivation and under the guidance of her mentor and goods friends, she has transformed herself into an artist that learns after Mother Nature as well as a full-spectrum female educational worker on arts.
“Journey-Print” is furnished as the poetic dialog as she soaks herself in the grand mother nature, paying most pious tribute and gratitude to her. The author has employed humble and serene energy and internal vision that have intertwined into image, while colours are used to create layers and rhythm of changes. In addition, the images have demonstrated the glossary of artistic creation as released in the dust of journey with impression of awareness and passage of times. Most of all, they have well foot-noted a part of the trip for life.

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