

決定快樂.決定我們的未來 第19屆維他露兒童美術獎得獎作品展

決定快樂.決定我們的未來 第19屆維他露兒童美術獎得獎作品展
活動期間 :99-1-1~99-1-17
地點 : 南海藝廊小天壇
主辦單位 : 財團法人維他露社會福利慈善事業基金會
協辦單位 : 國立臺灣藝術教育館

維他露基金會致力推動兒童美術發展,歷年辦理徵選「維他露兒童美術獎全國兒童繪畫比賽」,已深獲全國老師、家長支持,為國內最具規模的繪畫比賽之一。近年以「決定快樂 — Find your happy way!」為主題,期能提醒大家:用快樂的心情面對一切,創造出健康、正向、有品質的快樂生活。本屆主題「決定快樂.決定我們的未來」,透過兒童的畫筆詮釋,將快樂的每個當下傳遞、散播成一股對於社會的人文關懷之情。竭誠歡迎喜愛兒童繪畫藝術的朋友前來參觀!
Vitalon Social Welfare and Charitable Foundation commits to promote children’s arts development, and has held the “Vitalon Children’s Art Award National Children Painting Competition”, which is one of the largest painting exhibitions in Taiwan deeply supported by teachers and parents. In recent years, it takes “Find your happy way!” as theme in order to remind everyone: face everything with happy mood to create healthy, positive and high-quality happy life. The theme of this term, “Find your Happy Way, Decide Our Future”, conveys happiness at every moment through children painting, to spread the humanistic care for the feelings of the community. For friends who love children painting arts, your visit is highly appreciated!
Focus:About 160 pieces of awarded works of the 19th Vitalon Award and the selected awards for several terms are presented in this exhibition.

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