


活動期間 :100-11-26~101-1-5
地點 : 南海戶外藝廊
展覽單位 : 桃園縣同德國民小學
主辦單位 : 國立臺灣藝術教育館

鞦韆架上的鸚鵡,翹翹板上的螽斯, / 順著大象鼻子溜下的滑梯,拉長猴子手臂晃盪的單槓, / 我們有多久沒能想起那首再熟悉不過的童謠, / 有多久沒能輕鬆自在一格再一格把房子跳過。 / 讓孩子牽起你的手,走一趟時光織錦的迴廊,再現兒時。(范揚達校長)
Parrots on the swing, katydids on the sea-saw, / the slide along the nose of the elephant and the stretched –monkey- arm high bars, / how long have we forgotten the once-so-familiar children’s songs? / How long haven’t we played hop scotch happily? / Let the kids hold your hands and walk you through that tunnel of colorful childhood and relive those moments once again. (from Principal Fang Yang-Da)
Focus:Drawing inspiration from activities on campus, paintings by kids of Tong-de exhibit bold compositions, bright colors and detailed strokes and have expressed the colorful and rich campus life to the fullest while recording permanently the happiness and sweetness of the childhood.

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