


活動期間 :101-4-13~101-5-2
地點 : 南海藝廊
展覽單位 : 三帚書畫會

本畫會為鄭月波教授於民國76年創立,以畫筆三隻喻掃帚(1. 掃除因循相襲之遺風。2. 發揚固有文化。3. 開拓大時代新藝術領域,精益求精。)期勉同學,取名「三帚」。會員藝術風貌各有擅長,繪畫題材包含:山水、人物、花鳥、走獸、指畫、書法等。內容豐富,變化無窮。本屆作品,更展現多采多姿,創新而有特色。
This society was founded by Professor Cheng Yueh-Po in 1987. The “tri-brooms” refers to the three paint brushes. (1. to sweep away the old habits of following what’s being done in the past; 2. to develop the traditional culture; 3. to initiate new artistic arena for the grand era and pursue excellence.) He wishes to encourage the students with that. The artistic talents of the members of this society are diversified. Subjects included in the paintings are landscape, portraits, flowers and birds, animals, fingerpaint and calligraphy, etc. The paintings are rich with endless variations. The collection this year includes even more varieties that are innovative and full of unique characteristics.
Focus:The oldest member of this society is 92 years old with over 50 years of experience in painting. There are also several members over the age of 80 who are all well known in the calligraphy and painting circle. The youngest of whom specializes in modern ink painting. We welcome all art enthusiasts to appreciate their work and express your thoughts.

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