


活動期間 :101-6-15~101-7-4
地點 : 南海藝廊
主辦單位 : 國立臺灣藝術教育館

水彩畫,藉由水的調和,捕捉瞬間的流動感,呈現自由變幻之樣貌,為本館重要典藏之一。本展精選名家作品,包括:馬白水《夕陽》、劉其偉《魚》、蕭勤《禪》、梁丹卉《蘭》、Margaret M. Martin《光與影》等多元題材,展現創作者的思維歷程,與駕馭媒材特性之功力。
Watercolor paintings are one of the most important collections of National Taiwan Arts Education Center, which can catch a sense of flow in a flash and present a free and changeable look through water attunement. The collective masterpieces include Sunset (Bai-Shuei Ma), Fish (Ci-Wei Liou), Chan (Cin Siao), Orchid (Dan-Huei Liang), and Light and Shadow (Margaret M. Martin) presenting the thinking processes of authors, and their capability of mastering materials.
Focus:Using water as interface media, watercolor paintings present diverse looks of nature, practice, and romance with interlaced uses of overlap, diffusion, temper rolling, and stitching in the drawing means of color attunement. You are welcome to enjoy the joyful time of a frozen pen.

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