


活動期間 :102-5-17~102-5-26
地點 : 第2展覽廳
主辦單位 : 廈門文化交流協會、雲揚天際文化藝術機構、臺灣中華文創協會
協辦單位 : 頂新公益基金會、國立臺灣藝術教育館

「種子變成了蒼天樹;彩紙變成了風箏天上飛……」彙集兩岸四地孩子們繪畫的「變形記」, 帶來一場奇幻視覺體驗,找回曾經擁有的神秘之眼和理想之國。並透過兩岸知名攝影家關於兒童的老照片和深入汶川拍攝的紀錄片,讓孩子體會藝術與關愛之美,提醒我們共同關注華人社會未來的心靈成長。
“When a seed has grown to be a big tree, and coloured paper has become a flying kite…” The 4th Cross-strait Children’s Painting Exhibition: Transforming collects children’s paintings from the four regions of the cross-strait, brings amazing visual experiences, and brings back the mysterious eye and the ideal nation that we once owned. We like to let children appreciate and care for the beauty of the arts through old photos of children and the documentary of Wen-Chuan taken by famous photographers from the Taiwan and Mainland areas, and remind us to pay attention to the spiritual growth of Chinese society in the future.
Focus:We hope that the audiences while deconstructing children’s paintings pay more attention to the future through dialogue among contemporary arts, the deep communications of cross-strait children’s presentations, and the creativity of children apart from specific styles and types.

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