


活動期間 :96-12-1~96-12-27
地點 : 南海藝廊
展覽單位 : 陳克華
主辦單位 : 國立台灣藝術教育館

佛陀入滅後,約有數百年的時間,人們遵守佛陀教誨,不立佛像。到了阿育王時期(B.C. 268-232年),也仍以白象、法輪、菩提樹等來象徵佛陀,之後便有了所謂「貴霜王朝」佛像。由於該時朝佛像融合了印度希臘風格之獨特威儀,令人動容。作者陳克華於二OO七年初前往巴基史坦,在著名的拉合爾(Lahore)博物館及坦叉始羅(Taxila)等地,親眼見到了這些佛像的莊嚴美好,拍出近百幅佛像攝影作品,本館則借此機會邀請展出,另配合展出特別規劃編印多功能小手冊,並委請由致理技術學院陳奕愷教授研究撰文,提供分享。
For hundreds of years after Buddha died, people had followed Buddha's teaching – never building a Buddhist statue. However, during the period of Ashoka period (B.C. 268-232), white elephants, the law wheel, and the fig tree (the tree of enlightenment) were brought to symbolize Buddha. Later, there were Buddhist statues of Kusana Dynasty. These Buddhist statues were made by combining Indian style with Greek one. Their unique dignified look is very moving. One photographer Ke-hua Chen went to Pakistan in early of 2007. In famous Lahore Museum and Taxila, he saw these Buddhist statues of Gandhāra Period. He took nearly one hundred photographs of these statues. He is invited to exhibit his work. So his photographs will be displayed in National Taiwan Arts Education Center. In addtion, multi-function pamphlets were published to coordiante with the exhibition, in which Prof. Chen, Yi-Kai of Chihlee Institute of Technology was invited to share his article. Welcome all of you to come to his works!

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