


活動期間 :103-10-2~103-11-17
地點 : 南海戶外藝廊
主辦單位 : 國立臺灣藝術教育館

「那些心煉的詩言詞語,輕輕竄入季節的青草色裡,將平日與夢囈的交談,眼神流轉與心中一顫的情感,切碎、重組,串成自由色的字鍊;晾晒在緋紅牌樓的畫布上。」為鼓勵學校師生(含兼任及退休教師) 創作,提供文藝創作交流平臺,期能激發更多動人的文藝作品分享。「教育部文藝創作獎」自民國70年起,持續舉辦,為國內歷史最悠久的文藝創作獎項。
In order to encourage both teachers and students (including part-time and retired teachers) to create art, the government provides a platform for art creation exchange in the hope of inspiring more sharing of great art works. “The MOE Literature and Arts Creation Awards” have been awarded continuously since 1981 and is the award with the longest history in Taiwan.
Focus:This exhibition includes excerptss and examples of the winning works of the 2014 MOE Literature and Arts Awards for Teachers and Students. For a complete and detailed appreciation of the winning works, please visit the official website of the MOE Literature and Arts Creation Awards http://ed.arte.gov.tw/philology

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