


活動期間 :103-10-21~103-10-29
地點 : 第3展覽廳
合辦單位 : 財團法人福臨文化藝術基金會
主辦單位 : 中華現代國畫研究協會、駐法國台北代表處、法國梅尼雷納市市政府、法國-台灣文化交流協會
協辦單位 : 國立臺灣藝術教育館、盧昂沙龍 諾曼第藝術家繪畫協會、聖埃第安造形藝術聯盟、康德魯繪畫協會、盧昂無極繪畫協會

2012年由陳銘顯理事長策劃「台灣國家公園之美」水墨作品,赴法國諾曼第區梅尼雷納市展出成功;2014年陳理事長邀法方訪臺,由該市副市長Marie Loquet瑪莉‧駱克女士(代表市長 Nobert Thory諾貝爾‧多利) 率5藝術團體畫家,來臺展出油畫作品60件及法國畫家嘗試以水墨創作作品30件。本展不只是東西方繪畫藝術的交集與迴響,更成功以藝術推展了國民外交。
This exhibition from The chairman of the Contemporary Chinese Painting Association Chen Ming-Xian has invited five French artist groups led by the deputy–mayor Ms. Marie Loquet who represents the mayor of Le Mesnil-Esbard – Mr. Norbert Thory to bring the Taiwan audience 60 oil paintings and 30 ink paintings created by French artists. This is not only an artistic encounter and a resonance between eastern and western paintings but also people-to-people diplomacy through art..
Focus:In addition to bringing Taiwan audiences what they excel at – oil paintings, the French painters used inks to create ink paintings to engage in an artistic exchange with Taiwan ink painters; the visit of the five painting groups from Normandy District is a successl -- an example that exhibits the artistic exchange between Taiwanese and French culture.

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