


活動期間 :96-10-13~96-11-8
地點 : 南海戶外藝廊
展覽單位 : 銘傳大學商品設計系
主辦單位 : 國立台灣藝術教育館

邁入第9屆的銘傳大學商品設計系以intelligence為題,將design product首寫字母DP幻化成開啟設計之門的智慧之鑰。門內的寶藏正是52位同學全力投入的心血結晶,內容除了各式消費性產品的實用設計外,許多令人驚奇的作品,盡是源源不絕的創意與理念的完美交織,這些成果不但在新一代設計展中揚名立萬,也傳承延續了銘傳品設的優秀血統與精神。
The 9th exhibition of MCU Product Design Department employs "intelligence" as its main topic and uses two capital letters "DP" as the key for opening the door to design products. Inside the door are works made with the wholehearted efforts of 52 students. Besides practical designs of various consuming products, the content has many surprising pieces of artwork which provide a perfect composition of endless creativity and ideas. Not only does the result highlight the new generation's highly praised reputation, but also it carries on MCU Product Design Department's excellent spirit and quality.

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