


活動期間 :104-5-21~104-5-31
地點 : 第2展覽廳
展覽單位 : 雲揚天際文化藝術機構
主辦單位 : 中國宋慶齡基金會、中華文創發展協會(臺灣)、雲揚天際文化藝術機構、廈門市文化交流協會
協辦單位 : 國立臺灣藝術教育館、頂新公益基金會、廈門市思明區人民政府、廈門市海滄區人民政府

The Theme “Play” , is the splendid colours of childhood and growing up as well as care-free fun and amazing creativity. “How to play’ varies in various places. Different ways of “play” reflects its local culture. Children from four different territories on both sides of Taiwan Strait will present the audience an amazing feast about “play” with their paint brushes. Let’s dive in and have a “good play”! Renowned artists Lin Yong-Fa and Xie Li-Fang have been invited to participate in the exhibition.
Focus:To promote and exchange cross-strait children’s art, children and artists, through their art works, talk about the times and different territories on both sides of the strait so that they may get a full understanding of the present and pay close attention to the future.

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