

繽紛色彩暖冬日 世界兒童畫精品系列展

繽紛色彩暖冬日 世界兒童畫精品系列展
活動期間 :104-12-8~104-12-29
地點 : 第3展覽廳
主辦單位 : 國立臺灣藝術教育館

Children's paintings are bold in composition, lively in appearance, bright in colours, uninhibited in brushwork, simple in techniques, and pure in expression, captivating the audience. As Picasso once said: "Children’s paintings may be inadvertent scribbles, but they are innocence at its purest. They may look plain and simple, clumsy even, yet are the epitome of freedom"
Focus:Children's art education today mainly uses painting and appreciation activities to guide children’s self-expression through developing their creativity, appreciation, and judgment. Children’s art education aims to nurture critical thinking, goodness, aesthetic perception, humour, and observational characteristics.

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