


活動期間 :105-2-17~105-2-29
地點 : 第2展覽廳
主辦單位 : 中.韓美術交流學會
協辦單位 : 國立臺灣藝術教育館、文化大學美術學系、華梵大學美術文創學系、國語日報文化中心

Cultures of China and South Korea have interplayed since the pre-Qin period, which makes the fine art prosper and the civilization of East Asia bloom brightly. In history, the fine art of South Korea absorbed the forms of Li-Guo school of Song dynasty, Zhe School and Wu School of Ming dynasty and Yangzhou School of Qing dynasty, but it could combine and transform them and create the South Korea style with distinct characteristics. Its boldness contains the aesthetic feeling and taste, worth viewing and appreciating by artists at home and abroad.
Focus:The goal of this exhibition held by China & South Korea Fine Arts Association is to improve aesthetic tastes and communications between cities. The rich content of this exhibition presents not only the styles of different times but also the multi-dimension artistic forms in the field of fine arts of China and South Korea.

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