


活動期間 :105-3-16~105-3-27
地點 : 第2展覽廳
主辦單位 : 加拿大國立臺灣師範大學美術系系友會
協辦單位 : 國立臺灣藝術教育館

由加拿大國立台灣師範大學美術系系友會主辦的2016北美藝術家聯展,邀請美國及加拿大66位著名藝術家參展,如前藝教館館長張俊傑,前加拿大聯合藝術家協會會長米拉.科斯蒂奇(Mila Kostic),展出以”遷徙”為主題,這些畫家皆來自不同國家及族裔而共同生活在北美這塊土地上,所以在創作上,融合了多元的元素,產生多元風格的藝術。
The Alumni of Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University holds 2016 Group Exhibition of Artists from North America, inviting 66 famous artists from North America and Canada to exhibit their works, participating artists including previous curator of National Taiwan Arts Education Center, Jun Jay Chang, former director of Canada United Association, Mila Kostic. The subject of the Exhibition is titled as “Migration”. Though the participated painters are from different countries and races, they share the same land, North America. Therefore, on the level of creation, the exhibition combines multiple elements, producing a combination of multi-styled art.
Focus:The mediums contend oil painting, water painting, ink-color painting, calligraphy, Graphic art, digital works and mixed mediums, ect.; the formations contend representational, semi-representational and abstract. The audience can appreciate these different styles.

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