

第44屆清涼藝展─紀念 佛陀聖誕暨緬懷曉雲導師畫藝與道風

第44屆清涼藝展─紀念 佛陀聖誕暨緬懷曉雲導師畫藝與道風
活動期間 :107-5-12~107-5-30
地點 : 第3展覽廳
展覽單位 : 社團法人中華民國曉雲法師研究學會

清涼藝展乃華梵大學創辦人 曉雲導師首創於1974年,迄今第44屆,旨在以佛教藝術紀念佛陀聖誕,並期轉化人心熱惱為清涼;2004年 曉公圓寂之後,亦紀念其畫藝與道風。
聚焦賞析:今年主題為「坐看雲起─曉雲導師的淑世悲懷」,即將展出有關書畫五十餘幅,闡揚曉雲導師禪修與淑世心路歷程,如「坐看雲起」、「佛影」、「雲煙世界 」、「共坐白雲中」等。
The Buddhist Art Exhibition was established by the founder of Huafan University – the late Master Ven. Hiu-Wan in 1974 and this year marks its 44th exhibition. The purpose of this exhibition has always been commemorating the birth of Buddha with Buddhist arts and hopefully to turn people’s worrying into cool breezes; since the passing of the late Ven. Hiu-Wan, another purpose of this exhibition is to commemorate his art cultivation and grace.
Focus:The theme of this year is “Sitting down and Watching Clouds Rising –Kindness of the Late Master Ven. Hiu-Wan” and more than 50 pieces of Chinese Calligraphy and paintings will be exhibited to spread the late master’s kindness and his journey of learning Zen. The exhibited art pieces include “Sitting down and Watching Clouds Rising”, “Shadow of Buddha”, “The World of Clouds” and “Sitting Together in the White Cloud Temple”...

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