


游離在液態世界—陸真儀個展 游離在液態世界—陸真儀個展
活動期間 :109-1-17~109-2-4
地點 : 第3展覽廳
展覽單位 : 陸真儀

As interaction among nations is becoming more and more frequent, various emerging concepts and fields are flourishing. Whether it’s information, culture or even money, or virus, all is in a state of flowing for nothing is solid anymore. The artist depicts the intertwining and shattering of people’s consciousness and emotions via the compositions, structures and subjective choices of color in her paintings.
Focus:The artist created a field that is familiar yet strange with inks, glue paints and mixed media that incorporate abstract and representational styles to depict the state of mind that is always changing and on the go!

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