


人物粉彩魔法師 人物粉彩魔法師
活動期間 :109-2-7~109-3-1
地點 : 第3展覽廳
展覽單位 : YS 藝術坊

Physical beauty亦譯《形體美》或人體美,人體的美是世間所有美的事物中最美的,特別是美麗的女性人體;被無數藝術家們做為藝術創作的靈感與題材。這次透過簡單美麗的粉彩人體&粉彩人物藝術作品的表現如同魔法可以帶給人們健康、純淨的美。
Physical beauty is translated as “形體美” or “人體美” in Chinese. It is the most beautiful thing among all the beautiful things in the world, especially beautiful women’s bodies which have been the inspiration and subject for countless artists. The simple and beautiful human bodies of pastels and human figures of pastels magically bring beauty that is healthy and pure to people.
Focus:Under the microscope, pastels are as pure and bright as cut diamonds, so radiant! The lightness and gentleness of pastels remind you of the supple and radiant human skin. They can not only express abstract ideas but also glow gently!

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