


用心畫畫V:低視力兒童繪畫教育成果展—獨樹藝格 用心畫畫V:低視力兒童繪畫教育成果展—獨樹藝格
活動期間 :109-6-19~109-7-12
地點 : 第3展覽廳
展覽單位 : 國立台灣師範大學設計系圖像與心理實驗室

The exhibition is the research results of the art education for low-vision children subsidized by Ministry of Science and Technology. The creators are the low-vision students from pre-school to junior high. Furthermore, the exhibition includes the learning achievement of their paintings, the art criticism, and the suggestions on teaching strategies from the research team.
We sincerely welcome the teachers, the parents with your children and all of you interested in this topic to visit this achievement exhibition.

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