


活動期間 :109-9-9~109-10-6
地點 : 第3展覽廳
展覽單位 : 臺灣銀行股份有限公司

To encourage young artists to create art, and excite their passion for art as well as fostering artistic talent in Taiwan, the Bank of Taiwan has been holding national painting contests, inviting newly emerging artists aged 20 – 40 from all over the nation to submit their paintings. This year marks the fourth anniversary of the Exhibition of Newly Emerging Artists, and we have more than 500 artists submitting their works every year.
Focus:To select young artists who have potential, the Bank of Taiwan requests that every entrant submit three paintings (no restrictions on the subjects). Painters in oil, watercolor, or acrylic in Taiwan are invited to take part in this exhibition as well. Every winning piece is surely the artists’ pet project.
