

現代國畫畫派 2020 現代國畫創作展

現代國畫畫派 2020 現代國畫創作展
活動期間 :109-11-14~109-11-25
地點 : 第1、2展覽廳
主辦單位 : 財團法人福臨文化藝術基金會、中華現代國畫研究學會

Chen Ming Xian, the founder of Contemporary Chinese Painting School, proposes contemporary Chinese painting should put emphasis on strokes, artistic conception, and contemporary spirituality. He also thinks theories and conception are supposed to be adjusted with the time. What’s more, the subject of painting reflects real life.
Focus : An artist is supposed to manifest a contemporary Chinese painting by using ink brush as a medium and keeping the traditional Chinese painting skills, the features of artistic conception along with contemporary spirituality and aesthetic concepts.
