


活動期間 :109-12-23~109-1-3
地點 : 第3展覽廳
展覽單位 : 湯運添

以油畫的繪畫媒材,透過每⼀筆細膩描繪、刻畫出, 每個人心中最美好的⼈⽣片段時刻,與⽣命情感的真實映照,將其逐一地轉化到作品畫⾯中,期使觀者亦能感染到繪畫圖像中的意涵,進 ⽽獲得藝術⼼靈上的感動與情感上的慰藉。
聚焦賞析:作品聚焦於⼈物肖像畫,帶給觀者的互動關係與慰藉⼈⼼的情感 ⼒量,將⽣活中所領悟到的經驗與思想,透過藝術⾃然特質的媒 介載體使其視覺形象化。
Oil paintings as the medium, and through each stroke, the artist depicts in detail the most beautiful moments in everyone’s heart and the true reflection of our emotions. Stroke by stroke, these moments and emotions reappeared vividly in the artist’s paintings. Hopefully, whoever sees these paintings will get the messages the artist tries to convey, and ultimately feel touched artistically and take comfort emotionally.
Focus:The exhibited paintings are mainly portraits, aiming to interact with the audience as well as offering the power to comfort them. Through the medium of art, the experience and thoughts realized in daily life are visualized.

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