


「沐光」繪畫創作聯展 「沐光」繪畫創作聯展
活動期間 :110-2-24~110-3-7
地點 : 美學空間
展覽單位 : 沐光畫室

沐光,是由張正成老師指導⼀群熱愛繪畫藝 術同好所組成的團體,成員從兒童到成⼈,涵蓋 各個年齡層,旨在推廣繪畫創作,並透過繪畫將 美感傳遞於個⼈、家庭乃⾄社區,藉由創作者們 不同風格的精彩作品來發揮動⼈⼒量。
聚焦賞析:本展作品以油畫、粉彩、⾊鉛筆、⽔彩、蠟筆、鉛筆 等多元的媒材來勾勒出畫者們的創作⼼得,期待與觀 眾⼀同分享。
“Atelier Lumière” is a group of art lovers, including different age groups, from children to adults, and is instructed by Mr. Chang, Cheng-Cheng (張正成). The group aims to convey aesthetics through paintings to the individual, family and community. The creators transmit the aesthetic power to the viewers through their different styles of painting.
Focus:The works in this exhibition use oil paintings, pastels, colored pencils, crayon, crayons, pencils and other diverse media to outline the artist's creative skills, and I look forward to sharing it with the audience.

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