


活動期間 :112-3-25~112-4-5
地點 : 第1、2展覽廳
主辦單位 : 海硯會

海硯會成立至今已有20個年頭,組織型態以一種雅集團體的面貌出現。後藝攝日-海硯會2023年主題創作展著重於藝術之思擬與創發,將參擬神話學之思忖:后羿、女媧、阿波羅、薛西弗斯..... 其意象之形塑及成員們多元豐富的藝術表現,激盪出書、畫、印之特異性創作。
Sea-Yan was established 20 years ago. The organization emerged and came across as an elegant literati group. Post Art Shooting Day - 2023 Sea-Yan Theme Exhibition focuses on the thinking and creation of art, referring to thoughts and shapes in mythology, with the characteristics of the figures, such as Hou Yi, Nuwa, Apollo, Sisyphus, etc., and presented with diverse and rich artistic expression by the members. It provides artists inspiration for unique works in the genres of calligraphy, painting, and seals.
