


活動期間 :112-4-21~112-5-3
地點 : 第1、2展覽廳
主辦單位 : 臺北市立中正高級中學

在求學階段追尋藝術創作的路程中,對於未來充滿了各種想像,但同時也很茫然於現實世界對藝術繫上的枷鎖。現階段受限於考試制度,這是學習藝術的唯一途徑嗎? 我們想要解開這拼圖背後的意義,追尋創作與生活的內心共鳴。
As I pursued artistic creation in my school days, I was full of imagination about the future. But at the same time, I was also puzzled by the shackles and limitations imposed on art by reality. At present, is art still restricted by the examination system, which is the only way to learn art? We want to unlock the meaning behind this jigsaw puzzle, and seek the inner resonance of our creations and lives.

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