2023年度展覽主視覺以「新•視力 放肆我們的想像力」為題,發揮校訓「真、善、美、新」,鼓勵年輕學子恣肆放縱想像力,在天馬行空的創發與驚豔絕倫的巧思技藝中,為新一代年輕人定義,設計創新的新視野,凝聚未來爆發的創造力。
The main vision of the 2023 exhibition is themed "New Vision - Unleashing Our Imagination", which brings out the school motto "Truth, Goodness, Beauty and Newness". Young students are encouraged to let their imagination run wild, to define and design a new vision of innovation for the new generation, and to bring together infinite creativity through their blue-sky thinking and brilliant ingenuity and skills.