


農村巧藝ㄧ蘇文清vs12地方農會、資訊圖表臺灣ㄧ廖偉民設計展 農村巧藝ㄧ蘇文清vs12地方農會、資訊圖表臺灣ㄧ廖偉民設計展
活動期間 :112-8-23~112-9-3
地點 : 第3展覽廳
主辦單位 : 國立臺灣師範大學設計學系

Dual Exhibition of two professors in the Department of Design, National Taiwan Normal University, which exhibits “Country Fine Handicrafts – Su Wen-Ching vs. 12 Farmers Association” and “Infographics of Taiwan – Liao, Wei-Ming Design Exhibition”. Su Wen-Ching integrates value-added cultural and creative industry to create new country fine handicrafts, cultural and creative products. Liao, Wei-Ming makes the viewers reappraise the beauty of Taiwan through the infographics.

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