

「閱圖讀文」雙獎聯展 —全國學生圖畫書創作獎及教育部文藝創作獎得獎作品展

「閱圖讀文」雙獎聯展 —全國學生圖畫書創作獎及教育部文藝創作獎得獎作品展
活動期間 :112-9-29~112-10-29
地點 : 第1、2展覽廳
主辦單位 : 國立臺灣藝術教育館

In order to encourage teachers and students to engage in literary creation and strengthen the promotion of literary education, special arrangements have been made this year, including the Nationwide Students’ Picture Book Creation Award of this Center and the Literary Creation Award of the Ministry of Education. The joint exhibition of the winning works is planned so that the outstanding picture books and literary masterpieces created by teachers and students can be exhibited and shared for more people to appreciate. The exhibition content is rich and diverse, and art and literature lovers must not miss it!
This joint exhibition will not only be held in Exhibition Rooms I and II of this Center, but will also be presented as a round-Taiwan traveling exhibition after the exhibition period in this Center. All the exhibitions are open for free. We welcome adult and child friends nationwide who love literature and creative stories to come visit and sense the fantastic imagination and magic power of the authors and creators.
