

現代國畫畫派 2023現代國畫創作展

現代國畫畫派 2023現代國畫創作展
活動期間 :112-12-6~112-12-12
地點 : 第1、2展覽廳
主辦單位 : 中華現代國畫研究學會

The purpose of this exhibition is to promote [Contemporary Chinese Painting], which is advocated by Chairman Chen Ming-hsien, the guiding professor of the Association, with the aim of inheriting the advantages of traditional Chinese paintings in terms of brushwork and ink, and the characteristics of artistic concepts, and adding the modern spirit of Contemporary Chinese Painting. In addition to continuing the lifeline of traditional Chinese painting in the form of ink and brushwork expression, it also reforms to be close to the aesthetic trends of modern people, which is deeply recognized and praised by the officials on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and is known as the " Contemporary school of Chinese Painting ".
