


活動期間 :113-4-17~113-4-23
地點 : 美學空間
主辦單位 : 中華畫筌美術協會

中華畫筌美術協會 理事長鄭娟娟釋意「畫筌」是清代繪畫理論,借以匯聚書畫美術菁英於一堂。「龍章鳳彩」聯展由書法家何慶珍老師水墨畫家毛厚財老師及匯聚畫筌優秀的書畫家們作品,呈現創作題材和技法。聯展亦展出多幅參賽得獎作品,讓此次聯展更增光彩。
President Zheng Juanjuan of the Huaquan Art Association Art Association interprets " Huaquan " as a symbol of gathering the elite in the fields of painting and calligraphy art. The "Dragon's Charm, Phoenix's Grace" joint exhibition features works by calligraphy Teacher He Qingzhen, ink painting Teacher Mao Houcai, and other outstanding artists in the field of painting and calligraphy, showcasing a variety of creative themes and techniques. The exhibition also includes several award-winning works, adding further brilliance to this joint exhibition.
