西班牙回國後我一直生活在台北,所以從2013年起,我打算用十七年的時間,用畫紀錄2013至 2030年這座城市的不同面貌。截至目前為止,已經完成一半以上的作品,這次展出我精選其中三十餘件作品,做一個階段性的呈現。
After returning from Spain, I have resided in Taipei, where, since 2013, I've undertaken an ambitious seventeen-year endeavor to chronicle the multifaceted transformations of this city through painting, covering the years 2013 to 2030. To date, I have completed over half of the series. In this exhibition, I’ve meticulously curated more than thirty pieces, offering an interim insight into this evolving visual narrative.