


活動期間 :97-3-27~97-4-22
地點 : 南海戶外藝廊
主辦單位 : 國立台灣藝術教育館

一座座的城市漂浮游移在地表上,在當代社會中,全球化、商品化以及享樂主義已經令城市的界線逐漸的模糊,實體及線上、城市與鄉村、國際與地域的界線都逐漸的消弭成為豔麗的花朵(Flower),城市沒有固定的居民,而是被大量的流動者(Flow-er)在不停的消費刺激中加速城市的變化,最後促使城市成為一座座的漂浮城市(Flowing City),國立交通大學應用藝術研究所的同學將試圖以各自的藝術及設計語言,勾勒出豔麗異常的漂浮城市。
Cities flowing on the earth one by one, at contemporary society, globalize, capitalism, and epicureanism have already make the boundaries between cities became blur. The boundaries between on-line and off-line, city and country, global and local have all been mixed into a splendor Flower, the habitants of modern cities are mass Flow-er, and they trying to change the cities itself by large consuming, it makes the cities at last became the Flowing City. The students from the Institute of Applied Art, Chiao-Tung University, will try to show off the splendor Flowing-City by their own view in art and design.

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