

張哲雄&Sylvie Cabal粉彩畫雙個展

張哲雄&Sylvie Cabal粉彩畫雙個展
活動期間 :97-4-19~97-5-15
地點 : 南海藝廊
主辦單位 : 國立台灣藝術教育館

在歐美畫壇具舉足輕重的兩位粉彩畫大師~秀維卡布(Sylvie Cabal)及張哲雄(Jason Chang),應本館的邀請,將於2008年4月19日至5月15日在本館南海藝廊舉行雙人個展。此乃繼2007年4月間在本館舉行的<國際粉彩畫家邀請展>後,應民眾熱切的期待,再一次舉辦重要的粉彩藝術活動。
秀維卡布現為法國粉彩畫協會會長(ART Du PASTEL En FRANCE),張哲雄係一揚名海外的粉彩畫大師,現任北美粉彩畫家協會會長(NORTH AMERICA PASTEL ARTISTS ASSOCIATION)。觀賞他們的作品,將有助於了解當今粉彩藝術的價值與創作趨勢。
The two famous European and American Pastelists Sylvie Cabal and Jason Chang have been invited by National Taiwan Arts Education Center to do their own Solo Exhibitions in Taipei. The exhibitions will be held from April 19th to May 15th 2008 in our center. Due to the overwhelming praises from the International Pastel Artists Invitational Exhibition from April 2007, and fond admiration from the Taiwanese art field and board of education. We decided to have another important pastel activity.
Sylvie Cabal is the President of ART Du PASTEL En FRANCE. Jason Chang is the President of North American Pastel Artists Association. Their wonderful artwork helped us to understand the value and trend of Pastel today.

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