


活動期間 :97-8-8~97-9-2
地點 : 南海藝廊小天壇
展覽單位 : 國立臺灣藝術教育館、藏豐文化藝術有限公司

燈傳 中國歷代油燈器具暨兩岸當代名家創作油燈題材國畫作品大展,由國立歷史博物館、國立臺灣藝術教育館、藏豐文化藝術有限公司共同主辦。臺灣有史以來首次精心規劃具體展現之歷代油燈器具大型展覽,實屬難得。(自漢代以來至民國,計展出200件歷代油燈器具),主辦單位特邀海峽兩岸100位兩岸當代書畫名家,個別創作油燈題材的國畫作品,以結合展出。於2008年8月8日至9月2日於國立臺灣藝術教育館南海藝廊小天壇展場隆重展出。並於南海劇場舉辦各類型活動。謹訂於8月8日(星期五)晚上19:00舉辦開幕典禮及全民點燈祈福活動。開啟了兩岸交流中多年來已經成為主流的書畫展覽的新的方式,更體現了油燈的文化屬性以及與當代文化的關係。
Organized by National Museum of History, National Taiwan Arts Education Center, and Tsangfong Culture and Art Limited Company together, Lamp Inheritance is a grand exhibition about Chinese historical oil lamps and Chinese paintings made by famous contemporary painters of Taiwan and Mainland China. This is Taiwan's first large and elaborate exhibition of historical oil lamps. It will display 200 pieces of historical oil lamps from Han Dynasty to the modern China period. So it is very rare. Organizers specially also invite 100 famous Chinese painting and calligraphy experts of Taiwan and Mainland China to exhibit their work with theme of oil lamps. The two – real objects of oil lamps and paintings concerning oil lamps – will be combined together. From August 8 to September 2, 2008, this exhibition will take place at Siaotiantan Exhibition Venue of the National Taiwan Arts Education Center. 19:00 on Friday, 8th August will be the opening night – including a grand ceremony using lighting lamps for praying for the people. Besides opening a new way for exchanging mainstream painting and calligraphy between two places cross the Taiwan Strait, this exhibition demonstrates the relationship between the cultural attributes of oil lamps and contemporary culture.

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