

稻江商職應用外語科日文組高三畢業成果發表會 『夢見』

稻江商職應用外語科日文組高三畢業成果發表會 『夢見』
表演日期、時間 : 106-12-19
14:00 PM
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 其他
主辦單位 : 台北市私立稻江商業職業學校應用外語科日文組
演出單位 : 台北市私立稻江商業職業學校應用外語科日文組
進場方式 : 自由入場

The audience at this performance will get to enjoy Japanese ritual dance without flying to Japan. The complete set of traditional Japanese drama (聞き耳頭巾) will be brought to the Taiwan audience. While allowing the audience to experience first-hand the passion and energy of students of Applied Japanese Department, Dao Jiang Senior High School of Commerce, the show itself is a quality educational activity.
Focus:Come and enjoy watching the young and energetic students of the Applied Japanese Department wearing traditional Japanese costumes to perform and dance, and experience first-hand the beauty of Japanese culture.

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