


表演日期、時間 : 112-5-7
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 音樂
主辦單位 : 仁易合唱團
合辦單位 : 中華自然醫學教育學會健康促進教研中心
進場方式 : 預先索票

人類只有一個地球.人類社會需要和諧共生.同舟共濟.而音樂的和聲是正念.正信息.正能量的同頻共振.合唱更是提升自癒力的和諧信息能量場. 2023思源尊親音樂會再次以感恩惜福之心.以養生防病之善知識.以歌聲為兩岸和平祈福!為全人類祈福!!
There is only one mother earth for human beings. That is why we all need to live in peace and empathy for each other in human society. The harmony of music is the resonance of positive thoughts, positive messages, and positive energy, and singing in a choir can form an energy field filled with harmonious messages that enhance self-healing ability. The 2023 Concert of Appreciation is once again held with gratitude and blessing, with good knowledge of health and disease prevention, and with songs to pray together for cross-strait and worldwide peace.

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