


表演日期、時間 : 98-4-8~98-4-9
19:30 PM
19:30 PM
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 戲劇
主辦單位 : 國立臺灣藝術教育館
演出單位 : 臺北市立復興高級中學戲劇班
進場方式 : 現場索票

改編自波蘭作家維托爾德.貢布羅維奇(Witold Gombrowicz,1904~1969)劇作《伊沃娜,柏甘達的公主》。敘述王子菲利浦對外表怪異、個性陰鬱的女孩伊沃娜求婚並帶進宮廷,此舉為貴族帶來衝擊。貴族們相互的指責與揭發,王子見情勢無法掌控,計畫除掉伊沃娜,荒謬陰謀逐漸蔓延。劇中穿插歌、舞,配合戲劇演出,讓同學多元才藝有所展現,透過劇場演出,達到娛樂與發人省思的功效。
It is adapted from the drama “Iwona,Ksiezniczka Burgunda” by Polish writer Witold Gombrowicz (1904~1969). The story tells that Prince Philip who proposed to the girl, Iwona, who acted weird and was found with melancholy personality, and he brought her into the royal court, which had impacted seriously upon the nobility. As such, nobles had accused each other and unveiled various scandals, and the prince had, at last, decided to eliminate Iwona from the court as the situation ran out of control while ridiculous and conspiring plot of nobles had gradually proliferated. In the play, we can find song and dance intertwined throughout the episodes so that diversified talents of our students can have well demonstrated themselves, and it has achieved the effect of entertainment and reflection through stage performance.

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