


表演日期、時間 : 99-4-22~99-4-24
19:30 PM
19:30 PM
14:30 PM:19:30 PM
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 戲劇
主辦單位 : 國立臺灣藝術教育館
演出單位 : 臺北縣莊敬高級工業家事職業學校表演藝術科戲劇組
進場方式 : 現場索票

One TV program which was once brilliantly popular now has a lower viewership rate day by day and will be soon replaced by another popular comedy show. When the old program is doing the last episode, the new show is watching just like a tiger eyeing its prey. People on the one side cannot give in to those on the other. Special guests don’t follow manuscripts whereas the host becomes impatient and scolds furiously. Directors and they start physical fighting. Suddenly, TV station’s high-ranking manager arrives with his son to make an investigation. They are not satisfied with the program and order that everything needs to be changed.
Focus:For those who search for dream and hope, after disputes and arguments, what is left? Can it be everlasting? The show is a comedy performed by students –which lead every audience come together to look at charm of a collaboration and impromptu way.

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